3ds max export fbx unity scale factor
3ds max export fbx unity scale factor

3ds max export fbx unity scale factor

Texture Name or Model Name + Model's Material (Obsolete) The name of the model file in combination with the name of the imported material will be used for naming the Unity material. The name of the imported material will be used for naming the Unity material. When a diffuse texture is not assigned to the material, Unity will use the name of the imported material. The name of the diffuse texture of the imported material that will be used to name the material in Unity. Default-Diffuse material will be used instead. This usually only applies to characters.ĭisable this if you don't want materials to be generated. It is also used to split normal map tangents.Įnable this if normal map lighting is broken by seams on your mesh. Sets how sharp an edge has to be in order to be treated as a hard edge.

3ds max export fbx unity scale factor

The mesh will have no Tangents, so won't work with normal-mapped shaders. This option is available only when normals are either imported or calculated.ĭisables tangents and binormals. This option is available only for FBX, Maya and 3dsMax files and only when normals are imported from the file.ĭefault option. Imports tangents and binormals from the file. Use this option if the mesh is neither normal mapped nor affected by realtime lighting.ĭefines if and how tangents and binormals should be calculated. If selected, the Smoothing Angle becomes enabled.ĭisables normals. Imports normals from the file.Ĭalculates normals based on Smoothing angle. This is useful for optimizing game size.ĭefault option. Use this to create the second UV channel to be used for Lightmapping.ĭefines if and how normals should be calculated. This will swap your primary and secondary UV channels. Use this if lightmapped objects pick up the wrong UV channels. This is useful for quickly generating a collision mesh for environment geometry, but should be avoided for geometry you will be moving. If this is enabled, your meshes will be imported with Mesh Colliders automatically attached. This option determines the order in which triangles will be listed in the mesh. Otherwise they might not be rendered in game builds correctly. Normally this is detected at build time, but when meshes are scaled or instantiated at runtime you need to set this manually.

3ds max export fbx unity scale factor

The reason is that non-uniform scaling requires the mesh data to be kept in memory. However, if you are scaling or instantiating meshes at runtime with a non-uniform scale, you may have to enable "Read/Write Enabled" in their import settings. When this option is turned off, it saves memory since Unity can unload a copy of mesh data in the game.

3ds max export fbx unity scale factor

This is useful for optimizing game size.Įnables the mesh to be written at runtime so you can modify the data it makes a copy in memory. It's best to turn it up as high as possible without the mesh looking too different from the uncompressed version. Increasing this value will reduce the file size of the mesh, but might introduce irregularities. defaults for different 3D packages are as follows. If you prefer to model at a different scale then you can compensate for it here. Unity's physics system expects 1 meter in the game world to be 1 unit in the imported file.

3ds max export fbx unity scale factor